Adresse: Rudolf-Hell-Straße 4, 69126 Heidelberg

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Workplace Mediator, Team Facilitator, Organisational Consultant

Qualifikation: Mediator

Fachausrichtung: International, Umwelt, Unternehmen, Verwaltung

Mediationsformate: Großmediation, Gruppenmediation, Online-Mediation, Shuttle-Mediation

Better cooperation & conflict at work.

My mission is simply explained: I want to make work a better place.

Even though the mission is simple, it is not always easy to accomplish. Sometimes, positive change at the workplace needs professional support. That is why I help individuals, teams and organisations worldwide to improve cooperation, handle conflicts and solve problems at work.

I am a workplace mediator, team facilitator and organisational consultant with professional experience in Europe, North America, Africa and Asia. I studied social sciences at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Université de Montréal, University College London and the Higher School of Economics Moscow with an academic focus on international relations, conflict research, discourse analysis and organisational psychology.

Ergänzende Hinweise

Mein Dienstleistungsangebot umfasst: Coaching, Konfliktbegleitung, Konfliktberatung, Mediationen, Mediationsberatung, Moderation

Mein örtlicher Wirkungskreis erstreckt sich auf weltweit