Mediacijas pamati teorija un prakse
Mediacijas pamati teorija un prakse
Divorce Management
An Integrated Use of Mediation I’d like to present a very useful experience as a source for some ideas and projects regarding the practice of divorcing in Europe. You might detect a legal concept behind this, heading to a
Mediation in Estonia
This mind map was used as a basis for presentation on last Integrated Mediation Conference (Dec. 2009), in Altenkirchen . Although map includes the yesterday and tomorrow of the state of art in Estonia, the present day situation is
Basics of Mediation
Basics of Mediation is the first book of a series of books edited by Arthur Trossen and published by win-management ltd. This book was provided also in Latvian language on behalf of an EU project about mediation. Here you
Weihnachten 2009
Wir wünschen Ihnen ein frohes und geruhsames Weihnachtsfest sowie ein wertiges Jahr 2010 ihr integrierte Mediation e.V. i.A. der Vorstand Arthur Trossen, Ralf Käppele, Iris Berger
Integrated Mediation – what is it?
Indeed the term of integrated mediation is not chosen best as everybody thinks to know what it is. In fact there is a basic misunderstanding about integrated mediation everywhere. Integrated mediation is NOT a court based mediation. Integrated mediation
ZFH Kurs im TV
Am Mittwoch, dem 5.8.2009 sendet das Mittelrhein TV einen Bericht über die Mediationsausbildung der ZFH (Hochschule Darmstadt), der anlässlich der Informationsveranstaltung am 31.7.2009 in der FH Koblenz aufgezeichnet wurde. Die Sendung wird den ganzen Tag im 1/2 Stundentakt wiederholt. Die Aufzeichnung erfolgte
Integrētās mediācijas standarti
Standarti mediācija un integrētā mediācija Šajos standartos apkopoti pamatprincipi, kurus apņemas ievērot integrētās mediācijas (IM) mediatori un mediatores, kā arī apmācīttiesīgi mediatori un mediatores. Standartu pamatā ir Mediatoru rīcības kodekss, kura izstrādē aktīvi piedalījās Vācijas Integrētās Mediācijas biedrība, 2008.
Video: Magic of Mediation
A video about mediation that is touching you. You see a mediator transforming parties to consensus. The idea of that film is to show how mediation is working, what is the magic behind. You want to know? See the
Der Begriff Integrierte Mediation war nicht geplant. Er war aus einem Zufall heraus entstanden. Hintergrund war der Versuch, sich über die Erfahrungen im Familiengericht in Altenkirchen mit Mediatoren auszusuchen. In Altenkirchen erforschten Arthur Trossen als Richter, Ralf Käppele als