Quelle WikipediaMediation is not called mediation everywhere. Some countries translated it in their natural language. Then for example it sounds in german like „Vermittlung“. Luckily in Germany we choosed the word „Mediation“ as to be the ADR procedure. Now elt’s see how other countries name the mediation:

Belgium Mediation
Bulgaria Медиация
Denmark Mediation
Germany Mediation
Estonia Vahendus/Mediatsioon
Finland Sovittelu
France Mediation
Greek Διαμεσολάβηση
Ireland Mediation
Italy Mediazione
Letvia Mediacijas
Lithuania Tarpininkavimas
Luxembourg Mediation
Malta Mediation
Nietherlands Bemiddeling/Mediation
Austria Mediation
Polen Mediacja
Portugal Mediação
Rumania Procesul de mediere
Schwede Medling
Slovenia Mediacija
Slowakia Mediácia
Spain Mediación
Tschech Mediace

UK Mediation
Hungary Közvetítés

Zypris Διαμεσολάβηση